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Patio king | Outdoor Kitchen Miami

You choose the design, shape, size and components that best fit your needs.  We can build anything from a small barbecue island to a custom designed entertainment center complete with , side burner, sink, refrigerator, bar center, storage areas.  You can make your island multi-level with a bar or table end to the island.


This are some of the materials that can be used for your Barbecue Island, acrylic stucco, or natural/cultured

stone or brick. The materials like granite, slate or tiles may be used for counter tops.


Patio king | Outdoor Kitchen Gallery


Contact Us

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10744 SW 190th St, Miami, FL 33157


 (786) 258-8508


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Copyrights Patio King 2017

Patio king | Outdoor Kitchen Miami

Patio king | Outdoor Kitchen Gallery